Today, we’re going to learn about Anna and Simeon. They both had hope that they would meet Jesus — and they did!
What about you?
“Hope” basically means believing something good is going to happen. We might hope for something for a long time, but the Bible tells us that God keeps his promises (Hebrews 10:23).
So what do YOU hope for? Draw a picture of it or write it down, then put it up where you’ll see it every day in December. This is one way for us to practice waiting for something good!
Want more ideas for Advent?
This weekend, kids got Kids’ Club Advent Calendars for families to look forward to Christmas together! Want one? Find it and more on our Christmas page!
And if you’d like to post about Advent on social media, please tag us on Facebook and Instagram so we can see how much fun your family had with the activity each day!