When we tithe, we take 10 percent of what we get, and give it back to God. This might be strange or confusing, because usually when someone gives us something — like a birthday present or a bunch of candy — they don’t expect us to take a part of it and give it back to them. (That would kind of be like going trick-or-treating and then giving some of your candy back to each house you went to!)
But it’s different when God gives us something, because God actually gives us everything! Not only did He give us life when we were born, but he also gave us the place where we live, all the food we’ve ever eaten, even our family and friends.
We didn’t make any of those things for ourselves. God gave them to us, because he LOVES us.
Try this:
- Watch “What Is Tithing?” Watch it 2 or 3 times and see if you can answer the question in your own words. What is tithing?
- Let’s find out what “10 percent” really looks like! Get together 10* of something — maybe dollar bills, bits of candy, pencils, MagnaTiles or whatever! — and line them up.
- Say, “God, thank you for giving us 10 [whatevers]. Everything else we have comes from you, too.”
- Take one of the ten items and put it away. How many do you have left? Ninety percent! That’s how much God says you get to keep!
- See what you can do with the remaining ninety percent. What can you buy? What can you make? What can you eat?
*If you have older kids, get together 100 of something. Trust us. It’s worth it.
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