September 17-18
God promised his family that he would give them a brand new home, called Canaan. Have you ever been really excited to go somewhere new? Where was it, and what made it so fun?
Check out this video about how God helped the Israelites defeat a big enemy, so they could get to their new home.
God chose a man named Joshua to lead his family. Why was Joshua a good leader? How did he obey God, even when it seemed hard?
Joshua had to trust God no matter what. Joshua 1:9 says “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Watch this video to help you memorize the verse.
When we obey God, we listen to what he says, and then do it. What’s one way you can you obey God this week? Think about something he might want you to do….and then do it! As a reminder, write it down or draw a picture of it, then hang it in your room.