Celebrate Easter with us!
Looking for ways to celebrate Easter as a family? We’ve got you covered. On this page you’ll find all kinds of Easter videos, lessons, activities, and printable downloads to use with your family. And if your child is already interested in following Jesus and wants to continue the conversation, go here to talk about the gospel. You can also download the Spiritual Starter Kit below!

Coloring Page and Activity Sheets

Conversation Starters
- Easter is when Jesus died for us, and then came back to life! What’s your favorite way to celebrate what Jesus did for us?
- Imagine Jesus as he faced suffering and death: What do you think he felt? Do you think it was hard for him to do that? Now imagine that you got to see him after he came back to life: What would you feel? What would you do?
- Romans 10:9 says “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” What does this mean to you? How can YOU follow Jesus?
Kids’ Club Easter Family Experience
It’s an all-NEW Kids’ Club Easter Family Experience! It was filmed in the REAL places Jesus went leading up to the resurrection, and it’s the perfect way to celebrate Easter at home.
God’s Story: The Good News
Ready for the Good News!? Here it is: When we believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that he died and came back to life to rescue US–we get to be part of God’s family forever! Check out this video to see how God planned this amazing rescue from the very beginning.
A Quick Look at Easter
Easter is about more than candy and colored eggs. It’s about how Jesus rescued the entire world! Hear all about it with this quick rundown of the Easter story.
God’s Story: Easter
Easter is all about God’s big rescue plan. It shows us how much Jesus loves us and is one of the most exciting parts of God’s story. Here are two places to read about it: Mark 14-16 and John 13-21.
Easter: So What!?
Maybe you know the story of Easter, but…so what? Check out what Paco has to say about Easter, why it matters and what it could mean to you.
God’s Story: Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday, we remember when Jesus entered Jerusalem–and everybody started praising him! Read all about it in Matthew 21:1-9.
God’s Story: The Last Supper
This story is about the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he died. Read what Jesus and his disciples talked about in Luke 22:7-39.
God’s Story: Jesus’ Rescue
God wants to be a father to us and he’s made it possible through the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus’ rescue is an amazing part of God’s story and is referenced throughout the Bible.
Toddlers: Easter Story
Jesus is alive! Check out this Easter video that’s made especially for toddlers and preschoolers.
Toddlers: Easter Song
Here’s a fun Easter song that’s made especially for toddlers and preschoolers.
Lessons and Activities
3rd-5th Grade
The Last Supper
Palm Sunday
Kindergarten-2nd Grade
The Last Supper
Palm Sunday
The Last Supper
Palm Sunday
Printable Downloads