November 5-6
This week, kids heard about a woman named Ruth, and how she got to be a part of God’s family. In fact, there’s a whole book in the Bible about her story. Read the Book of Ruth together, and then talk about all the ways that Ruth followed God.
Ruth was invited to be a part of God’s family by a woman named Naomi. Check out this video to see what happened next!
Just like Naomi invited Ruth to follow God, we can invite our friends to follow God too! As a family, think of someone that you really want to know Jesus, and write down their name (or lots of names!) What are some ways that you could invite them to be part of God’s family? How could you help them to know Jesus better?
When we’re free to follow God, he takes care of us, and gives us everything we need. Dance along to this music video about how much God loves us!
When Ruth followed God, she made some brave decisions. Watch this video, and see what happened when she and Naomi traveled to a brand new home.